Shanghai School Flower-and-bird Painting to Jingdezhen Near Modern Glaze on Decorative Porcelain Decoration Influence 海派花鸟画对景德镇近现代釉上彩瓷装饰的影响
On behalf of these clients, Elite Decorative Arts is looking to purchase estate jewelry, gold, oil paintings, porcelain, silver, bronze, art glass and many other antiques. 在这些客户的代表,优秀的装饰艺术是购买房地产的珠宝,黄金,油画,瓷器,银,铜牌,艺术玻璃和其他许多古董。
Decorative Carving Art of Porcelain of Yaozhou 耀州瓷的刻花装饰艺术
This paper mainly summarized the decorative arts features of Jizhou kiln under-glazed color painted porcelain. 主要针对吉州窑白地釉下彩绘瓷的装饰艺术特征、传承与发展进行了论述。
In recent years, because of great decorative performance, processing performance, excellent physical and chemical properties of large-scale industrial construction and other fine features, porcelain tiles are widely used in interior decoration fields. 瓷质砖以装饰性能强、加工性能好、理化性能优和具备大规模工业化施工等优良特点,近年来在室内装饰工程中得以广泛应用。
When to contemporary, more than just a decorative blue and white ceramic technique, the blue and white porcelain painting is a painting of artistic expression, a feeling of the era. 时至当代,青花不仅仅是陶瓷上的一种装饰手法,青花瓷画更是一种瓷上绘画艺术,一种时代情怀的表达。
There are lots of materials and methods of decorative porcelain, and the use of engobe is indispensable, while that is not readily noticeable by many modernist ceramic artists. 陶瓷装饰的材料及方法非常多,关于化妆土的使用是不可或缺却又不容易被现代陶艺家关注的一部分。